Photo: Instagram
It’s definitely not a surprise: The Roop has won the Lithuanian national final for the Eurovision Song Contest. They will go to Rotterdam with their song “Discoteque”. The full results of the contest were:
- The Roop, “Discoteque” 24 pt.
- Gebrasy, “Where’d you wanna go”, 20 pt.
- Voldemars Petersons, “Never fall for you again”, 15 pt.
- Martyna Jezepčikaitė, “Thank you very much”, 13 pt.
- Evita Cololo, “Be paslapčių”, 12 pt.
- Titas & Benas, “No”, 12 pt.
It is the second time The Roop is chosen to represent Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest. However, last year their song “On fire” could not participate, due to the cancellation of the contest. We can now add The Roop at the long row of 2020 participants who get a second chance.