And we have a winner…. or better said, we have 10 winners, because 10 songs will head to the semifinals. The results are as follows:
- Beatrich sings “Like a movie”, 24 pt
- Monika Linkytė sings “Stay”, 18 pt
- Mario Junes sings “Do what you do”, 13 pt.
- Matt Len sings “Midnight train”, 12 pt.
- Agnė sings “New start”, 10 pt.
- Petunija sings “Love of my life”, 10 pt.
- MoonBee sings “Rumor”, 8 pt.
- Gebrasy sings “Saw your ghost”, 6 pt.
- Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio dantys sings “Sėdi ir važiuoji”, 5 pt.
- Donata sings “Dreamer”, 5 pt.
- I.T. sings “Žinau, tai tu”, 4 pt.
- Viktorija Faith sings “If you ever miss me”, 1 pt.
- Melona sings “Song of whispers”, 0 pt
- The Pixls sing “Šaukt”, 0 pt.
- Voldemar Petersons sings “Things”, 0 pt.