Azerbaijani TuralTuranX present song

Today, the song TuralTuranX from Azerbaijan will sing, is published. The song, “Tell me more”, is written and composed by the brothers themselves. It is the 16th entry for Azerbaijan, the country that won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011.

More about TuralTuranX can be found on this page. You can listen to the song below. What do you think?


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🇸🇪 Melodifestivalen heat 4 results

The night in Sweden is over and we have a result! Tonight a former Eurovision performed, and we have a new fan favorite! The first qualifier and winner of the show is MÃ¥ns Zelmerlöw with “Revolution”. After winning Melodifestivalen and Eurovision 10 years with “Heroes” the singer is back. At the time of writing MÃ¥ns is once again the favorite to win this years Melodifestivalen, and possible winner of the Eurovision Song Contest in Basel. The former winner has participated 3 times before in Swedens selection. In 2007 he took part with “Cara Mia” which ended in third place, in 2009 MÃ¥ns returned with “Hope & Glory” which secured 4th place, and in 2015 he won both Melodifestivalen and Eurovision with “Heroes”. This is his 2024 entry “Revolution”:  The second qualifier towards the final is the finnish band Kaj. The group formed all the way back in 2009 and rose to succes with “JÃ¥o nÃ¥o e ja jÃ¥o YOLO ja nÃ¥o” which got them lots of radio-playtime on Swedish speaking radio stations in Finland. Tonight the three Fins performed their Melodifestivalen entry about saunas called “Bara Bada Bastu”. They are one of this years fan-favorites.  This is Kaj’s song: The one advancing towards the final qual is Elle Tiritiello with “Bara Du Är Där”. She still has a chance to advance towards the final right after the results of the fifth heat.  Share

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🇸🇪 Melodifestivalen heat 4 results

The night in Sweden is over and we have a result! Tonight a former Eurovision performed, and we have a new fan favorite! The first qualifier and winner of the show is MÃ¥ns Zelmerlöw with “Revolution”. After winning Melodifestivalen and Eurovision 10 years with “Heroes” the singer is back. At the time of writing MÃ¥ns is once again the favorite to win this years Melodifestivalen, and possible winner of the Eurovision Song Contest in Basel. The former winner has participated 3 times before in Swedens selection. In 2007 he took part with “Cara Mia” which ended in third place, in 2009 MÃ¥ns returned with “Hope & Glory” which secured 4th place, and in 2015 he won both Melodifestivalen and Eurovision with “Heroes”. This is his 2024 entry “Revolution”:  The second qualifier towards the final is the finnish band Kaj. The group formed all the way back in 2009 and rose to succes with “JÃ¥o nÃ¥o e ja jÃ¥o YOLO ja nÃ¥o” which got them lots of radio-playtime on Swedish speaking radio stations in Finland. Tonight the three Fins performed their Melodifestivalen entry about saunas called “Bara Bada Bastu”. They are one of this years fan-favorites.  This is Kaj’s song: The one advancing towards the final qual is Elle Tiritiello with “Bara Du Är Där”. She still has a chance to advance towards the final right after the results of the fifth heat.  Share

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