Zdob și Zdub & Frații Advahov represent Moldova
Today should have been the day for the Moldovan auditions. Later on, we could have enjoyed a semifinal and a final. But then there was COVID19 again, so the semifinal and the final were cancelled. A jury decided the winner out of the 28 auditioners of today. Zdob și Zdub & Frații Advahov are the winner! They will represent Moldova in the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest in Turin with the song “Trenulețul”. The song is written and composed by Andrei Cebotari, Victor Dandeș, Mihai Gîncu, Roman Iagupov, Valeriu Mazîlu, Sveatoslav Staruș, Vasile Advahov and Vitalie Advahov. Moldova will perform in the first half of the first semifinal. Zdob și Zdub participated twice before in the Eurovision Song Contest: in 2005 with the song “Bunika bate toba” and in 2011 with “So lucky”.